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Professional internship

Dear intern, congratulations for being accepted in a professional internship with AIESEC in Mexico.


This is the first step for your migratory proccess, the rest of the steps are detailed in the "Migration Process" tab, please read the instructions, download the documents, click on the links, If you have any doubt, feel free to contact us and also to the VP from your Host Local Committee.


1) Fill all the fields in this Webform without mistakes and in Spanish.


2) Make sure to attach the following 2 files at the end of the Webform:


  • AIESEC Presentation Letter

  • AIESEC Invitation Letter


​​3) Wait for the Email Confirmation from the Migration Responsible and proceed to     follow the instructions here.




*Mistaken registered information will lead to mistaken visa tramits. MC will not asume any responsibilities for this. 

(e.g. error in adress=package not delivered & money lost)


*Mistaken tramit requests will be notified and the LC will need to generate a new request.

+180 days 

IMPORTANT: If this is not the internship that you are going to perform in Mexico due to the type of internship (social or professional), or your nationality or your time inside mexican soil, Plase verify and click on the correct tab. 

The misusage of this information could affect on your internship process and you wont obtain permission enter the country despite your flight schedules, insurance, or any expenses previosly done by the time of your arrival.


If you dont know what knid of VISA you need to apply for, please feel free to contact the migration manager.


Dear intern, during the internship process you are going to be through several stages and also you will have some expenses regarding migratory issues, please click on the button below for the detailed information.

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